05-17-2007 05:18 PM
05-18-2007 09:32 AM
05-18-2007 09:43 AM
05-18-2007 09:58 AM
I couldn't find a way to get the image to post. If you Google for the datasheet you will find the internal schematic there. From this you could create your own component model. There is another thread in the forum that explains the procedure on how to do this.
I hope I was of some help to you.
05-18-2007 02:33 PM
Thanks for the help Lacy.
I have already the datasheets for its parts but i do not have much experience making models(or changing existing models)
Anyway costs me nothing to try.
thanks again
08-18-2010 04:32 AM
Well, i am also looking for TL494 Multisim model. I find Pspice model, LTSpice model, Proteus model and even a Electronic Workbench v5 model(which is not successfully converted) but there is no multisim model. I tried Component Wizard with no success, i changed OrCAD's TL493 pspice model a bit and tried it in component wizard and i get netlist error : Unable to interpret 'd1'.
Any suggestions?
*I am adding EWB 5 file and Pspice model in case of anyone wants to see. Because of ewb extension is not allowed i changed EWB 5 file's extension to ms7.
09-07-2010 04:28 AM - edited 09-07-2010 04:35 AM
Maybe it is what you are looking for
refined model tl494 for multisim
Уточненная модель tl494 для Multisim (Ru)
09-07-2010 04:42 AM
09-07-2010 05:15 AM - edited 09-07-2010 05:16 AM
Thank you ilja172, this seems to be what i am looking for :).
09-07-2010 10:30 AM - edited 09-07-2010 10:36 AM