06-05-2017 10:34 AM
Been working on a circuit for class that counts up through 0,1,4,3,7,6.
I made the excitation table, did the kmaps, and found what gates I needed to add. That left me with:
More info if it helps.
JC is C
KC is C' + B'
JB is A + C'
KB is C'
JA is B'
KA is A + B'
Thank you for your help! I'm at such a conundrum. The display only has a 7 on it, it won't even budge.
06-07-2017 02:17 PM
I arrive at a slightly different set of equations, where JB = AC', JA = A' + B' and
KA = A'B' + AB
With these, I get a counter with the required sequence 0-1-4-3-7-6.