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Transfer Function Analysis in Multisim with a current source

I am trying to run a Transfer Function Analysis in Multisim using a current source (AC current) as input but when I go to configure the analysis I have no sources availables to define the input.


Could you advise what to do?

Thank you



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Message 1 of 7

Hello JLVG,


Can you send pictures about it?



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Message 2 of 7

Or your circuit that would be great

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Message 3 of 7

Here is the capture, of the screen, showing that there are not sources availables to define the transfer function analysiscaptura.png


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Message 4 of 7

and now, the snnipet file with the circuit that I am trying to get the transfer function (transresistance gain)


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Message 5 of 7

It seems that multisim is not capable of having a current source as an input for the Transfer function 

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Message 6 of 7

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Really, I realized that a few days ago, thank you for your comment but,

I posted my question because in multisim help said that It is posible to find the transfer function using a voltage or a current source.

So,  I need to know how to set the proper parameters to find the transfer function results when a current source is the input signal.


Again, thank you

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Message 7 of 7