Multisim and Ultiboard

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Ultiboard 14 SMD Resistor Value with ?

Hi there,


I have a SMD resistor with footprint R1206 from the master database and it shows the value of the resistor with an ? appended to the value like this 1K? instead of 1K . How to get rid of the ?

I don't have this problerm with SMD cap like CAPC3216X180N it shows 10µF.


Resistor 2.jpg


Thank you, bye.



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Message 1 of 5

Ok I found that the Omega sign is added automatically by Multisim but is not recognize by Ultiboard. Maybe it is because I have the french version of Windows 7 and perhaps a different character set, I don't know. Is there a way the stop appending an Omega sign to the resistor value in Multisim ?


Resistor 3.jpg


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Message 2 of 5

Hello PierreFromMont..


Could you attach the Multisim Circuit (screenshot or circuit)? It is just to check what specific resistor you are using.



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Message 3 of 5

Ok I made a super simple circuit here.

Multsim Error.jpg

Multsim Error 1.jpg

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Message 4 of 5

Hi there, The question mark (?) appended to your SMD resistor value (e.g., 1K?) usually indicates an issue with the component's value definition in your master database or the software configuration. Here are a few steps to resolve it: Check the Database: Ensure that the resistor values are correctly defined in the master database without any extraneous characters. Update Libraries: Make sure all component libraries are up-to-date. Software Settings: Verify that your software settings for displaying component values are correctly configured. If you need more detailed guidance on resolving component issues, visit Electronify India for resources and support. Thank you, bye.

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Message 5 of 5