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How to Read and Write Data to the 2K8RAM in NI Multisim


The 2K8RAM is a memory component that lets you write and read 8 bit data; it has 4096 memory addresses where you to store your data. This component is a core model as part of the XSPICE simulation engine and this example shows how to write and read data to this component.


The pin out for this component is as follow:

D0 -D7 - Digital inputs

A0 - A11 - Addresses

WE - Write when high and read when low

CS - Address select

Q0-Q7 - Digital outputs

In this example, two bits data will be written to D0 and D1 and address A0 and A1 are used, the remaining digital inputs and address pins are set to low constant. The data in the table below was entered into the Word Generator. Since this part does not have a clock, between each state you should add set all inputs to 0.

110001Write 01 to address 00
000000Next clock cycle
111010Write 10 to address 01
000000Next clock cycle
111111Write 11 to address 11
100000Next clock cycle
100000Read data from address00
000000Next clock cycle
101000Read data from address 01
000000Next clock cycle
10 1100Read data from address 11

Steps to Implement or Execute Code

To run the attached example circuit do the following:

  1. Double-click the Word Generator to expand the interface
  2. Right-click on the first row of binary data and select Set Cursor in the context menu
  3. Click the Step
  4. Select Simulate»Run or click the Run icon
  5. Click the Step button to step through the data, wait for the probes connecting to WE and CS pin to change state before you click Step again



NI Multisim 13


Additional Images or Video

Tien P.

National Instruments