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Which version of the run time engine do I need for NI Elvis 3 on OSX ?

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After some trial and error I was able to connect to my new Elvis 3 from OSX 10.12.

When I try to launch an instrument (SFP) from the Measurement Live web page, the launcher app select the correct SFP, but the SFP itself does not launch because it does not find the proper run time engine (it was not part of the NI Measurements Live Support Files 1.1.pkg). 

There is a dialog to download the proper RTE but it points to a NI search page with no result 😞

I try to dig into the SFP source code to find a reference to a RTE version and I saw LV 2018 and install it from my LV 2018 academic distribution without success, the SFP is still unhappy the the LV 2018 RTE.


So which LV RTE do I need to install and where do I find it ?


I tried to restart my machine and at the same time installed the latest safari version 12.1 (12607., bad idea, it does not want to connect to the board anymore... while chrome is still happy about it. I may need to reinstall the whole NI Measurements Live Support Files 1.1.pkg


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Message 1 of 3

I installed the new Measurements Live Support Files 1.2.pkg without much success, still cannot find the LV RTE.

I've checked the installer and it does contains the "LabVIEW 18.0 Runtime.framework" and it is installed in /Library/Frameworks/ along with LV17,16,15,14,13,12 RTE frameworks.

If I try to launch the "LabVIEW Browser" that is with the LabVIEW 18.0 Runtime.framework I get the same cannot find RTE error.

The console says "May 8 09:33:57 iamac[1] ([82700]): Service exited with abnormal code: 1

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Message 2 of 3
Accepted by topic author _Chris

Answering my own question:


After much digging and disassembling (hoper is a great tool) I found this issue with LV RTE 2018.
It comes from the installed niPythonInterface.framework, LV 2019beta install NI Python Interface DLL 2.0.0d9 which seems to cause problem to the LVRTE 2018. If I replace it with NI Python Interface DLL 1.0.0f1, the problem is gone.


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