This discussion is for reporting use of the Selective TEDS VIs, any bugs encountered, and to get support for using them.
Selective TEDS consists of two VIs (one each for cRIO and R Series) that interface with the existing TEDS functionality in NI-RIO.
When using Read TEDS Invoke Nodes with NI-RIO, users must read the entire EEPROM of a sensor.
The Selective TEDs VIs enable the user to determine whether to read the entire EEPROM or only the TEDS basic and TEDS standard sections, as defined by the IEEE 1451.4 (TEDS) Specification. Selective TEDS can reduce the amount of data a user must read to initialize a sensor.
Selective TEDS is supported only for sensors that comply with the IEEE 1451.4 (TEDS) Specification.
If you are not getting complete data using Selective TEDS, use Read TEDS Invoke Nodes.
Installed files can be found at the following locations:
Selective TEDS VIs to interact with NI-RIO:
C:\Program Files\National Instruments\LabVIEW 2012\vi.lib\Public
Selective TEDS Example Project:
C:\Users\Public\Documents\National Instruments\NI-RIO Selective TEDS\
(Users' default documents folder)