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NI System Configuration API

Well the problem is that after you do the System Configuration 5.0 Install then your ability do use MAX to do a software install on a formated cRIO is totally hosed up and requires either LVRT2011 or some delicate subinstallation surgery that I could not fathom.  Can't we just have a new syscfg.lvlib to fix the problem?

0 Kudos
Message 31 of 96

The lvlib is just a simple wrapper that calls in to a collection of DLL's that do all of the actual work.  So, a new syscfg.lvlib wouldn't fix the issue and you can't just copy DLL's around since their dependencies would most likly not be met.

0 Kudos
Message 32 of 96

I am trying to deploy a cRIO image using the API and am getting the following console out error after deployment and reboot.

If I use the RTAD utility everything work fine.  In the boot sequence it appears that the line:

* Loading nidp_target_end.out: nidp_target_end

appears out of sequence to where it is located on the 'good' RTAD deployment reboot.  I am wondering if the startup script? has become lost or mangled.

Loading LVRT...

* Loading nirtdm.out: nirtdm

* Loading nimdnsResponder.out: nimdnsResponder

* Loading vxfpsup.out: vxfpsup

* Loading tsengine.out: tsengine

Time sync source: ptp now active

* Loading nisvcloc.out: nisvcloc

* Loading RTWebServer.out: RTWebServer

System Web Server started

* Loading mxssvr.out: mxssvr

* Loading /tmp/webservices/NI/nisysapi/nisysapisvc.out: nisysapisvc

* Loading nisysapirpc.out: nisysapirpc

* Loading NiViSrvr.out: NiViSrvr

* Loading NiRioRpc.out: NiRioRpc

* Loading nivissvc.out: nivissvc

* Loading nivision.out: nivision

NI-RIO Server 3.6 started successfully.

* Loading niserial.out: niserial

* Loading taggerrt.out: taggerrt

NI-VISA Server 5.0 started successfully.

* Loading nidp_target_end.out: nidp_target_end

NI-Industrial Communications for EtherCAT 2.0 started successfully.

Assertion failed: px != 0, file d:/P4/Perforce/ThirdPartyExports/boost/export/1.

3/1.3.5f1/includes/boost/shared_ptr.hpp, line 375

0 Kudos
Message 33 of 96

It appears that the System Configuration API is bent on damaging certain XML files when creating an image from a cRIO target. For example the ECATMaster__0.xml and ECATSlave__0__0.xml files are present but most or all of the content is not there.  So I am curious...Is this another one of those 'known' issues that only NI knows about?

0 Kudos
Message 34 of 96

Hi sachsm,

Can you send us the image you're trying to deploy to your cRIO that's giving you errors with System Configuration API? You can upload it to our FTP here:

Post here with the name of the file and we'll see if we can reproduce the issue. Thanks!

Justin E
National Instruments R&D
0 Kudos
Message 35 of 96


Can anybody tell me where I find the changelog of Ni System Configuration 1.2?

What are the improvements of this relase?

D. Beninato
0 Kudos
Message 36 of 96

Ok, I have uploaded the file:

cRIO-SVU 1_0_0.lvappimg to the incoming directory.

You can use the standard RTAD utility to load this file to a cRIO (9074) + 9144 etherCAT.  The problem I am seeing with the API occurs when I retrieve

the image from the cRIO.  It appears to damage the previously mentioned xml files.

0 Kudos
Message 37 of 96

Any luck yet reproducing the image corruption problem?

0 Kudos
Message 38 of 96


Yep I've been able to reproduce the issue. We'll look into why this is happening.


We post a Known Issues List and a Bug Fix List for System Configuration. I will provide links to these once they're available.

Justin E
National Instruments R&D
0 Kudos
Message 39 of 96
0 Kudos
Message 40 of 96