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Welcome to EtherNet/IP Industrial Protocol Support

Note that the new 1.0.6 build recently posted now has LabVIEW 2010 support built-in.


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Message 21 of 125


  On a tag write to an Allen-Bradley device I get the error -251723760 CIP error, CIP status x4. Invalid segment type|IOI - "This

  error code is undefined".  The tag is "Command_REAL", which is an array of 8 - I pass in 8 single precision floats.

  I also tried as a tag "Command_REAL[0]", and got the same error. I also tried "Command_xxx" just to see if there would be 

  anything different, but no.

  Any idea what could be going on?  Any way to contact the original producer of this plug-in?

  What is the general format of the tag for a tag write on an array?  Is there any taxonomy of returned error codes and meanings?

  I am ready to drop labview and do this some other way, perhaps Linux and somebody's rslinx compatible driver.

bob s.

0 Kudos
Message 22 of 125


I don't know if this will help but here it goes. I am using the protocol to communicate directly to an Allen- Bradley 700S AC Drive. When you want to read or write a REAL number you have to take the binary equivalent and convert it to the IEEE-754 floating point equivalent number and vice versa. LabVIEW does not have a function to do this.

After I figured this out, no more errors and my application just works. I am just using the Get and Set Attribute VIs.

Hope this helps,


0 Kudos
Message 23 of 125

robertschaefer wrote:


  On a tag write to an Allen-Bradley device I get the error -251723760 CIP error, CIP status x4. Invalid segment type|IOI - "This

  error code is undefined".  The tag is "Command_REAL", which is an array of 8 - I pass in 8 single precision floats.

  I also tried as a tag "Command_REAL[0]", and got the same error. I also tried "Command_xxx" just to see if there would be 

  anything different, but no.

  Any idea what could be going on?  Any way to contact the original producer of this plug-in?

  What is the general format of the tag for a tag write on an array?  Is there any taxonomy of returned error codes and meanings?

  I am ready to drop labview and do this some other way, perhaps Linux and somebody's rslinx compatible driver.

bob s.

Hi Bob,

To clarify, you are writing to a RSLogix 5000-programmed device (like ControlLogix or CompactLogix) and are wanting to write to a named tag? In general the format of the tag name matches what you address it as in RSLogix (your above syntax should be correct).

One possible issue could be that your tags are defined as program tags rather than ones with global scope. In this case they are addressed slightly differently, with a syntax of "Program:<program name>.<tag name>" (note that the PLC is doing all the interpretation, and this behavior is not documented by AB/Rockwell). You can see this described in the post below:


0 Kudos
Message 24 of 125

"Ethernet/IP Industrial Protocol: (Hex 0xF0FF0009) Unable to connect to the network path specified", error -251723767, just happened on site a couple states away, out of the blue.  The client is checking with his PLC guys to see if anyone has changed the PLC address; he's also closed and re-opened the LabVIEW program, with the same result.  The program talks to two other PLCs, though, without a problem, so it doesn't seem to be a physical network connection issue.  It seems to me this error description is saying plainly that everything is fine, except there's nothing at the specified address.  Is this the correct interpretation?  I've suggested that the client reboot the LabVIEW PC, in case it's a Windows low-level driver sort of issue.  Is it possible to get this error if the PLC is just too busy?  It seems that would be a time-out error.  If the PC reboot fixes this, I know the client's question will be, "Is this going to happen all the time?".  So I kind of hope the reboot doesn't work.  But then I still don't know where to go with this.  Any suggestions?


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Message 25 of 125

After the PLC guys did their thing, it was found that a network cable was disconnected on the line somewhere.  Reconnecting the cable, everything returned to normal functioning.  This is exactly the problem source I would have anticipated from the error description.  Just thought I'd follow up.


0 Kudos
Message 26 of 125

I have an upcoming project that will be communicating with a ControlLogix 5561 running RS Logix5000 version 17.

I have found that shows that NI OPC will support the ControlLogix 5561 if it is running the AB OPC Server.

Would this Ethernet/IP toolkit be a possible different way to communicate to the 5561?  I'm trying to understand the difference between the support/connection supplied by NI OPC Server and this Ethernet/IP protocol.

Ryan Vallieu CLA, CLED
Senior Systems Analyst II
NASA Ames Research Center
0 Kudos
Message 27 of 125

Yes, this NI Labs toolkit will allow you to communicate from LabVIEW directly to your ControlLogix via one of several mechanisms (explicit messaging and I/O communication). This is in contrast to the OPC server method where you have a Windows machine running the OPC server talking to the PLC and then LabVIEW talks to the OPC server.


0 Kudos
Message 28 of 125

I downloaded this EtherNet/IP Driver for Industrial Communication to  work with Allen Bradley PLC. It works great except one thing. I do not  see a way to address a long data type. Has anyone done this? I tried  many different things and had no luck. I added a comment on the bottem  of the download page as well.

0 Kudos
Message 29 of 125

Hello Eric --

Just want to say, the ethernet/ip library looks like its coming along well. I just started digging into a project today.

I am creating a Labview Remote IO Device and communicating with an Allen-Bradley ControlLogix 5563. From my reading it appears that setting up a Class 1 Adapter device seems appropriate. I am attaching several screen shots and have some questions.

#1 -- In RsLogix v16.03 there appears to be a glaring difference from the help documentation supplied with your library. When creating the Generic Ethernet Module I noticed that my Input/Ouput parameters are in units of 32bit (not 8bit as shown in "Configuring your plc" in the libraries docs"). Was this a recent Allen-Bradley change? Are you aware of it? Will this affect me...

#2 -- Ignoring the size units, I attempted to create a connection from PLC to Labview and in the attached screen shots you will notice the Module status window in RSLogix with an error message. Some further digging with wireshark (also attached) shows that there are errors in the CIP packets coming from my device to the plc.

- I'd like to note that this wireshark data was recorded while my laptop was connected directly to the plc with a cross-over cable (to avoid any possible network switch interference).

Any suggestions/feedback would be greatly appreciated, If you need any further info, I will provide quickly!

I couldn't see how to attach a file here. Here is the link to my attached info



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Message 30 of 125