With the release of NI Linux Real-Time for PXI and further improvements to the NI Linux Real-Time platform, NI now utilizes ipks for software installation using the opkg package manager that ships with NI Linux Real-Time.
The attached tutorial covers:
Note: NI Support does not officially support the usage of custom ipks. If issues are encountered, NI recommends posting to NI Linux Real-Time community forums for assistance from other NI Linux Real-Time users.
Brian D.
National Instruments
Ok I created the HelloWorld.c file on my system and was able to utilize the gcc tools installed to compile to code. Yes!
Next I tested the executable by running the compiled exe using
# ./hello
Rewarded by
Hello world!
printed on the screen.
With that success I then tried to follow the directions to build the opkg ipk.
I created the hellopgk folder
CONTROL {directory}
control {text file}
usr {directory}
bin {directory}
hello {exe created by gcc compile and tested above}
lib {folder}
deiban-binary {text file? with 2.0}
Then I navigated to the opkg-utils folder on my system and ran
./opkg-build /SystemPath/hellowworld/hellopkg /SystemPath/helloworld
This DID build the hellopkg_1.0.0_x64.ipk
However, when I ran opkg install hellopkg_1.0.0_x64.ipk I got errors unrelated to this package popping up, from a failed prior opkg install...
Any clue on why a prior install error would stick around?
When I did an opkg info hellopkg after the failed install, it returned nothing.