08-12-2016 03:48 AM
I've inherited a custom interface and custom Batch process model.
My problem is that when I run a client sequence I can locate a set of temporary files for that execution, which are then are deleted at the start of the next execution but I cannot find the permanent html and xml files which are configured in 'Result Processing'.
In brief, there are multiple report files defined, html and xml, copied to the local PC and network.
The filenames and paths are defined by exressions which can be seen to evaluate correctly in the Result Processing/Report Options/ Report File Path tab. But when I check the local location there are no files to be found when TS has stopped execution/shutdown.
I've tried:
- generating just one local file, i.e. disabling all others.
- re-ordering the report list.
- the client sequence is allowed to execute entirely several times.
I also inherited two custom files: ReportProcessing.cfg and NI_Report_Generator.seq .
Because the expressions which determine the report file name and path appear to evaluate correctly I believe the
.cfg is okay, and I know NI_Report_Generator.seq executes, because I inserted a TS Pop Up Message step.
The actual customisation within the NI_Report_Generator.seq will require me to check for differences as no list was given to me.
To succesfully create the UUT and Batch reports for a single socket/single batch execution I added a new Report Ouput at the top of the list of reports already defined. The newly defined HTML report appears in the location as expected.
But why are the previously defined reports not appearing ?
This is the first time I've dealt with the Batch Model and Sequence Plug-In technique so I'm open to any problem solving technique however basic.
Teststand 2014 SP1
Labview 2015 (32 bit)
08-16-2016 07:45 AM
Hi Gary,
I think I understand the issue but you'll have to confirm that I've understood: am I correct in stating that you're able to create any reports you would like, but the previously defined reports don't work? Is it possible that the previously defined reports never worked? It sounds to me like the model you were passed is at fault since you're able to log correctly, so you may simply have to redo it.
Best regards,
08:59 AM
- last edited on
01:58 PM
Content Cleaner
Hi Jake,
I've done some more debug work which I hope will give someone like yourself a clue as to where the problem lies:
- the new Report Ouput I added, specifying the filepath/name by expression, used a simpler expression than the Report Outputs
previously configured by my predecessor.
By simpler I mean the expression used no macros.
- I eventually found that if I removed the use of the $(UUTStatus) macro, the reports configured by my predeccessor were generated.
-Conversley, if I added the $(UUTStatus) macro to a filepath/name expression to the new Report Ouputs that I created, then
the report failed to be generated as a file permanently in a folder.
The closest I have come to finding relevant information is at the following link:
Towards the end of the document it explains:
"If the Report File Path expression contains the <UUTStatus> macro, the report generator determines the report file path after calling the MainSequence callback. The <UUTStatus> macro causes the process model to group UUT reports into different files according to their status. For example, if a Report File Path expression contains the ......."
This is the first time I've used the Batch Model and the Plug-In method of report generation so I'm unsure of how to use the
above information.