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C# WPF UI Creation

I'm attempting to create a WPF application that contains various TestStand UI Elements. I've got the elements displaying however I can't get the sequence file to load in. I can select a file, press open and then a debug message will tell me the file path (which is correct) however axSequenceFileViewMgr doesn't seem to want to update with the contents of the sequence.


Here's my code for reference:


        private AxApplicationMgr mAppMgr;
        private AxSequenceView axSequenceView;
        private AxSequenceFileViewMgr axSequenceFileViewMgr;
        private AxButton axButton;

        private void WindowLoaded( object sender, RoutedEventArgs e )
            WindowsFormsHost host = new WindowsFormsHost();
            mAppMgr = new AxApplicationMgr();
            host.Child = mAppMgr;

            WindowsFormsHost seq_mgr = new WindowsFormsHost();
            axSequenceFileViewMgr = new AxSequenceFileViewMgr();
            seq_mgr.Child = axSequenceFileViewMgr;
            main_layout.Children.Add( seq_mgr );

            WindowsFormsHost button = new WindowsFormsHost();
            axButton = new AxButton();
            button.Child = axButton;
            main_layout.Children.Add( button );

            WindowsFormsHost seq_view = new WindowsFormsHost();
            axSequenceView = new AxSequenceView();
            seq_view.Child = axSequenceView;
            main_layout.Children.Add( seq_view );

            // Link the button to opening sequence file dlg
            axSequenceFileViewMgr.ConnectCommand(axButton, CommandKinds.CommandKind_OpenSequenceFiles, 0, CommandConnectionOptions.CommandConnection_NoOptions);

            // Event handler to detect when a file is opened
            mAppMgr.DisplaySequenceFile += new NationalInstruments.TestStand.Interop.UI.Ax._ApplicationMgrEvents_DisplaySequenceFileEventHandler(this.axApplicationMgr_DisplaySequenceFile);

        private void axApplicationMgr_DisplaySequenceFile( object sender, NationalInstruments.TestStand.Interop.UI.Ax._ApplicationMgrEvents_DisplaySequenceFileEvent e )
            axSequenceFileViewMgr.SequenceFile = e.file;

So how do I go about linking axSequenceFileViewMgr and axSequenceView so that when the file is changed, the contents are displayed? 

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        private AxApplicationMgr mAppMgr;
        private AxSequenceView axSequenceView;
        private AxSequenceFileViewMgr axSequenceFileViewMgr;
        private AxButton axButton;

        private void WindowLoaded( object sender, RoutedEventArgs e )
            WindowsFormsHost host = new WindowsFormsHost();
            mAppMgr = new AxApplicationMgr();
            host.Child = mAppMgr;

            WindowsFormsHost seq_mgr = new WindowsFormsHost();
            axSequenceFileViewMgr = new AxSequenceFileViewMgr();
            seq_mgr.Child = axSequenceFileViewMgr;
            main_layout.Children.Add( seq_mgr );

            WindowsFormsHost button = new WindowsFormsHost();
            axButton = new AxButton();
            button.Child = axButton;
            main_layout.Children.Add( button );

            WindowsFormsHost seq_view = new WindowsFormsHost();
            axSequenceView = new AxSequenceView();
            seq_view.Child = axSequenceView;
            main_layout.Children.Add( seq_view );

            // Link the button to opening sequence file dlg
            axSequenceFileViewMgr.ConnectCommand(axButton, CommandKinds.CommandKind_OpenSequenceFiles, 0, CommandConnectionOptions.CommandConnection_NoOptions);

	    // connect sequence view to sequence file view manager

            // Event handler to detect when a file is opened
            mAppMgr.DisplaySequenceFile += new NationalInstruments.TestStand.Interop.UI.Ax._ApplicationMgrEvents_DisplaySequenceFileEventHandler(this.axApplicationMgr_DisplaySequenceFile);


        private void axApplicationMgr_DisplaySequenceFile( object sender, NationalInstruments.TestStand.Interop.UI.Ax._ApplicationMgrEvents_DisplaySequenceFileEvent e )
            axSequenceFileViewMgr.SequenceFile = e.file;

It looks like you did not connect the SequenceView to the SequenceFileViewMgr (see the added code above). I also recommend that you configure all of the manager controls before starting the ApplicationMgr (see the moved code above).



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