06-08-2016 02:48 PM
Hi All,
Problem statement:
I am using NI SMU which I am initializing and configuring in TestStand at some point I am pausing my sequence and I want to measure the voltage i configured in TestStand using labview VI
in order to do this I need to initialize SMU again in LabVIEW VI with out reset the device I achieved this.
but the problem is when I resume the TestStand Sequence and again try to configure or measure voltage means it is showing an error saying invalid session.
I know when we try to initialize the instrument it will close the old session and open new session.
are there any way of using same instrument in different places ?
please share your suggestions
thanks in advance
06-08-2016 06:54 PM
Duplicate thread: http://forums.ni.com/t5/PXI/Can-we-use-same-instrument-at-different-places/m-p/3306634