06-23-2014 04:12 PM - edited 06-23-2014 04:14 PM
Hello TestStand Gurus,
I have a simple sequence that pops up a dialogue box stating: "Enter Your Name."
Problem: When I run this sequence, the TS dialogue box "Enter UUT Serial Number" comes up before mine.
Figure 1: My simple pop up sequence
Figure 2: TestStand Popup
1. How do I disable the TS dialogue box so only my pop up is displayed?
2. How can I make my sequence stand alone? e.g. If its part of a main sequence file, not to get executed unless the user clicks a button from an external program e.g. a GUI from LabVIEW?
06-23-2014 04:57 PM
You need to override PreUUT callback: http://forums.ni.com/t5/NI-TestStand/Intercept-the-PreUUT-callback/td-p/998605
That's where the dialog is coming from.
For the UI stuff check this out:
06-23-2014 06:11 PM
Thanks for the info! I added the PreUUT and disabled it. Is this what you recommend?
06-23-2014 06:15 PM
Meaning I added the PreUUT callback and chose Run Mode>Skip. Is this what you meant by overriding it?
06-23-2014 08:47 PM