08-21-2023 04:19 AM
Hello, I receive the following error when opening NI MAX since a Windows 10 update happened last week. This is preventing configuration to all the instrumentation and halting testing.
Any resolutions steps would be greatly appreciated.
08-22-2023 12:51 AM
Guess, this is not exactly the correct forum to post this in.
Nevertheless, I'd try to repair the NI Max installation as a first approach
08-22-2023 09:18 AM
Is it a coincidence, that the same thing happened (although without Win10 Update) on one of my production machines
I had to manually reset NI MAx configuration as described in https://knowledge.ni.com/KnowledgeArticleDetails?id=kA03q000000YHcVCAW&l=de-DE
Hope you have a backup of the existing config