12-10-2024 06:25 AM
I have a problem getting Python to work with my 2023Q4 TestStand. In Step settings pane, there should be button with text "Configure Python Step". In my button reads "String not found in the language resource files" . See picture below. Any ideas how to fix this?
Solved! Go to Solution.
12-10-2024 06:35 AM
Looks like a part of your localization is missing.
Are you working with TestStand System language English?
Are you using TestStand Environments?
12-10-2024 06:42 AM
My language is english. I am not sure what TestStand Environments is, but I guess I dont use it... 🙂
I haven't Activated my TestStand product yet, so I am running still on trial period. (If this could be the reason?)
12-10-2024 07:25 AM
The message you are seeing basically says that the localization string wasn't found.
Those strings reside in %TestStand64%\Components\English
This really only happens for the Python Steps? I'd expect this also to happen with other adapters
12-10-2024 07:45 AM
I see configuration setting files (many of those named xxxStrings), in path C:\Program Files (x86)\National Instruments\TestStand 2023\Components\Language\English
Any idea how to fix this issue?
12-10-2024 08:48 AM
AFAIK the Step Pane strings reside in SequenceEditorStrings,ini
On my computer the according section looks like this:
CAPTION = "Step Settings"
CAPTION_WITH_STEPNAMES = "Step Settings for %1"
PROPERTIES_TAB = "Properties"
MODULE_TAB = "Module"
TYPE_TAB = "Type"
RUN_SETTINGS = "Run Options"
SYNC_SETTINGS = "Synchronization"
EXPR_SETTINGS = "Expressions"
PRECOND_SETTINGS = "Preconditions"
CUSTOM_PROPERTIES = "Property Browser"
NO_STEPS_SELECTED_MSG = "There are no steps selected."
Yet if there is a problem with this section / file, it should affect all StepTypes / Adaptors, not only Python
12-11-2024 12:02 AM
That section looks exact same in my computer.
12-11-2024 12:20 AM
Took another look at the screenshot of your first post:
the palette on the left side says, that this step is of type NI_Python, which seems to be a Custom Step Type.
A short (search machine of your choice) query returns https://www.ni.com/de/support/downloads/software-products/download.python-step-types-for-teststand.h...
Without further investigations, I suspect this was the initial Python integration for TestStand which is kinda non-standard / out of date nowadays.
I see two options:
1.) re-install this package hoping for the localization to come back
2.) change your code to the current step types with the (as of now) full Python support
Note: Option 1.) might seem tmpting to do since it might work very quickly, on the other hand you are setting up a new system right now... why not doing things right instead of increasing technical debts?
12-11-2024 06:25 AM
Problem solved. I copied NiPythonStepTypeStrings.ini file to path --> C:\Users\Public\Documents\National Instruments\TestStand 2023 (32-bit)\Components\Language\English
Now it works... 🙂