10-26-2008 10:31 PM
I use NI session manager to control instrument,when I get the instrumenthandle and can testing .but my question is :
if I close instrument power and not close NI teststand,but the teststand can run sucess ,my dll document run in demo.
but I think there must be a error ,and the dll return value is 0. in fact ,if the instrument closed, the return value maybe a negative.
how can I deal with it ?
01-05-2009 09:34 AM
Hello Sean,
This post was recently brought to my attention. It appears you may have posted earlier in October. Are you still experiencing this issue?
01-06-2009 03:51 AM
thank you very much ,the problem is still not sovled,In fact ,I can't find out where I can change,it seems that teststand can run in demo if I shut down the instrument power under test,I hope the teststand can send out a caution or abort the test,but it does nothing.
thank you no matter you can help me or not 。
01-07-2009 10:49 AM
Hello Sean,
I want to make sure I fully understand your question. Do you have a DLL that you are calling in your TestStand sequence as a code module? If so, does a function within the DLL return a negative number if the instrument is not powered? Is your overall question how can you determine whether the return value from the DLL is negative and make a decision based on this result? Thanks in advance for these answers!
01-07-2009 06:33 PM
01-08-2009 02:46 PM
You should be able to maintain a local variable to receive the return value from the DLL and then make decisions based on its value in later steps in your sequence.