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Problem with deploying FPGA host VIs using TestStand deployment utility

I am using a PCI-7831R FPGA to control an automated test fixture.  I have several host VI's that I am calling from TestStand (4.2.1) in order to control the 7831R.  The host VI's that TestStand calls are setup as sub-VI's and are used for various things such as opening an FPGA reference (which is bound to a strict type def), downloading and executing the files on the 7831R, reading writing to controls, and finally closing the reference.  In the sequence file, I am passing the reference values as a file global so that the host sub-VI's can communicate correctly.  I have all functionality working correctly in TestStand on my development PC.  When I go to deploy this to a production PC, I get errors when the sequence file trys to load the first host VI.  The error basically states that the VI is broken - try to open and run it (which I can't because I have no development license on the production PC).  I am currently trying to deploy this to another development PC to see if I can track down where the VI might be breaking. 


I have included the lvbitx and strict type def control that the host subVI's reference in my deployment files.  I can't think of anything that I might be missing.  Is there any good documentation on exactly which files I need to include in the deployment when using FPGA Host VIs (the TestStand reference manual is pretty vague at best)?  It seems that any documentation that I read says the TestStand deployment utility will analyze all VI dependencies (other than shared variables).  On a side question, is the strict type def considered a shared variable?


Has anyone successfully deployed a sequence that calls host VI's?  Any help would be greatly appreciated.  If any of the above needs further clarification please ask away and I will be happy to give more details. 




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Message 1 of 7

Hi Mike,


Please see KnowledgeBase 4296DUQP: Calling LabVIEW FPGA VIs From TestStand.  Let me know if this doesn't help or if you have additional questions.


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Message 2 of 7

I have the exact same problem and the knowledgebase document does not solve it. It's been more than 4 years since this question was asked, has anyone found an answer in the meantime?



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Message 3 of 7

I had that issue, now upgraded Teststand, so the run arrow is no longer broken,    BUT for some reason test stand just hangs, I can click on any thing, its asif there is an infinate loop but there are no loops in my code. just frame sequences for FPGA digital I/O.


The FPGA vi's work fine on their own running them from host pc and rio target.  TestStand says Sequence Editor [running] but the screen is locked and I have to stop the process in windows task manager please give me strength.


Using labview 2011 development suite and Teststand 2014.


Can anyone advise please?

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Message 4 of 7

Hi hawkstringer


Do you encounter this problem using a deployed version of your code? Note that the subject of this topic is about deploying an FPGA application.


I forgot I posted here, in the mean time I've managed to deploy my application. I think my problem was solved when I included all necessary drivers and components (but I'm not absolutely sure). I included the following:


    • NI IVI Compliance Package
    • NI FlexRIO
    • NI PXI Platform Services Configuration Support
    • NI R Series Multifunction RIO
    • NI DAQmx Core Runtime
    • NI DAQmx MAX Configuration Support
    • NI RIO

Good luck!

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Message 5 of 7

no i have not got that far yet.  this is just attempting to run it on development machine,  as I say the's work fine, but teststand does not seem to be happy executing them even though there are no errors and its says 'running' the thing just hangs. cant click on anything.  

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Message 6 of 7

The only time I encountered a similar situation was when I had different sequence calls running in different threads. TestStand waits for both threads to finish execution and in the meantime it seems to hang. Could this be the problem in your case?

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Message 7 of 7