09-07-2022 08:41 AM
I programmatically allow the user to select various sequences to be run depending on the current needs for testing. Once they've made their selection, I use the "Execute with Process Model" callback to run each sequence so that each sequence is a complete stand alone execution. The way I have it set up for reporting, is that each sequence then prints its own report.
I'd like for a summary of the completed report to be passed up to the calling sequence though... just the name of the sequence that was run (easy) and the Pass / Fail result of the sub-sequence.
I thought I'd be able to take the ResultList array from either the "ThisContext" or "RunState" and pass it back up to the calling sequence to add it to the top level ResultList, but I'm not having luck finding the sub-sequence results.
As I pause the top level sequence, I can see the results of the sub-sequence run and I see in that report the results I'm expecting. When that sequence closes, the tab closes and the next sequence opens and runs.
Any hints or thoughts on how to do this?
As I'm writing this, maybe I shouldn't worry about the ResultList, but rather find the reports generated and just insert those into the Top-Level report? Thoughts? Ideas? Anyone done anything like this?
09-11-2022 01:12 PM
You can do the following :
1) Create a stationglobal array which should list the sequence and its status
2) You can store the sequence name in stationglobals array when it is about to run ( where you pick from the list)
3) In your Post UUT ( Override this process model sequence) based on the status append the pass fail status in the station globals array ( You will need one more variable to maintain the count).
4) Finally in your main sequence use additional results to get this array to the report.