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Proper use of "TestStand UI ExpressionEdit Control" in LabVIEW

As the Message Subject says, I am looking for advice on the proper use of "TestStand UI ExpressionEdit Control" in LabVIEW.  The purpose of the VI will be for an "edit" screen in a custom step type.  I would like to be able to use the control to browse through my custom step variables.  I am passing the "this" reference into the vi.  The vi runs fine and I can retrieve the text from it, but the f(x) button is dimmed out and the intellitype does not work.  What I can't figure out is how to attach the control reference to the "this" reference (to get the current state).  I looked through the teststand source code, but it is in c++ and I can't make the connection back up to LabVIEW.
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Message 1 of 4
Howdy Greg -

Since you are passing in a SequenceContext object into TestStand, you will need to convert to a PropertyObject in order to pass the sequence context into the "context" property of the ExpressionEdit ActiveX Control.  This can be accomplished with an ActiveX method for the SequenceContext object.  After hooking up a proper context, the expression browser dialog button should become enabled.

I've included a very simple VI which shows some of the key methods and properties you may want to consider for the ExpressionEdit ActiveX Control.  I've also included a sequence to run this VI.  Simply select "Run MainSequence" for execution in the sequence editor.  I would also recommend setting a breakpoint at the <end group> so that you can take a look at the populated local variable.

Let me know if you have anymore questions.

Have a great day!

Andrew W.
National Instruments
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Message 2 of 4

That is exactly what I needed to get going.

Thanks for your help,


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Message 3 of 4


Can any one help me to create a watch view pane in dot net (C#) using ExpressionEdit control.




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Message 4 of 4