04-05-2012 04:00 AM
To automate a test i'm facing a problem.The device that i have to command has a Remote I/O (9 pins) in other words my device will be driven as follows:
-to start my test i'll connect and release 2 pins twice
-to to reset my test i'll connect and release 2 pins once
-to begin testing 2 pins will be shorted until a judgment occurred(pass,fail or reset)
-for pass:2 pins will be shorted until reset key is pressed
-for fail:2 pins will be shorted until reset key is pressed
I'm commanding relays in order to do this algorithm.I have now 5 subsequences which are Start Test Pass Fail and Reset every sequence write digital value as i have explained.
My Problem: Can i convert a subsequence to a while or an if condition (for example to begin test i'll call TEST subsequence until a judgment occured)
I can't make this judgment in Test Stand!
04-05-2012 06:12 PM
You may want to diagram this in a flow chart to get a better of idea of how to implement it in TestStand, or any programming environment for that matter.