05-05-2014 10:23 AM
Hi to all,
I am using the Teststand 2013 and I want to add all the failure steps to my html report. After test the following examples, I it doesn´t work yet:
- http://www.ni.com/white-paper/4563/en/
- http://forums.ni.com/t5/NI-TestStand/How-to-get-a-summary-of-failed-steps/m-p/1661148/highlight/true
- http://forums.ni.com/t5/NI-TestStand/report-failure-chain/td-p/196207
Has someone any idea or reportgen_html.seq wich runs OK?
Thanks in advance.
07-09-2015 04:33 AM
I am facing the same issue. Were you able to solve this problem. It would be great if you can share your solution.