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TestStand 2016 - Sequence Analyzer

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When I run any sequence I get this:


Message : Internal Error: Failed to load analysis module 'NIAnalysisModules.dll:NIAnalysisModules::ValidateEnumerationValue':

Error loading module:

Could not find function 'NIAnalysisModules::ValidateEnumerationValue(struct TSAnalyzer::AnalysisContext *)' in DLL (or external module) 'C:\Users\Public\Documents\national instruments\TestStand 2016 (32-bit)\Components\Analyzer\NIAnalsisiModules\NIAnalysisModules.dll'.

File : <None>

Location : <None>

Rule : Internal Error

Description : The sequence analyzer uses this rule to report internal errors that occur during analysis. These messages

usually indicate a serious problem with a component of the sequence analyzer. Report the information to

the component owner or to National Instruments. You cannot disable this rule.

How do I fix this?



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Message 1 of 6



A couple of things to check here.  


In the past similar errors have been caused by a search directory file path being unselected so that the analyzer folder could not be found. I would first verify your search directories.


Second, this resembles, but is not identical to a known issue that occurs when analyzing a broken VI with an Enum on the connector pane. Is it in any way possible that you have a broken VI that is called by TestStand?



Alex W.
0 Kudos
Message 2 of 6

So, this is what happened. I installed TestStand 2016 and ran the migration tool to migrate from TestStand 2013. The migration tool copied files from C:\Users\Public\Documents\national instruments\TestStand 2013\Components to C:\Users\Public\Documents\national instruments\TestStand 2016 (32-bit)\Components which is good since I made numerous updates there. The problem was that it also copied files from C:\Users\Public\Documents\national instruments\TestStand 2013\Components\Analyzer to C:\Users\Public\Documents\national instruments\TestStand 2016 (32-bit)\Components\Analyzer although; I didn't make any changes in that directory and the dll from 2013 is not compatible with the 2016 install.


The solution was to copy the files from C:\Program Files (x86)\National Instruments\TestStand 2016\Components\Analyzer\NIAnalysisModules to C:\Users\Public\Documents\national instruments\TestStand 2016 (32-bit)\Components\Analyzer\NIAnalsisiModules.

0 Kudos
Message 3 of 6

Hi Joe -

The "C:\Users\Public\Documents\National Instruments\TestStand 2013\Components\Analyzer" is empty by default on installation, so if there are files in the directory, the Migration Utility will want to copy them to 2016. What were the files that you had in the 2013 directory that were copied to the 2016 directory that caused the issue?

Scott Richardson
0 Kudos
Message 4 of 6
Accepted by topic author JoeTestEngineer

The file (NIAnalysisModules.dll) for TestStand 2013 is not compatible with TestStand 2016 and probablly shouldn't be copied by the migration tool.

0 Kudos
Message 5 of 6

Hi Joe, can you share why technically you had the NIAnalysisModules.dll from TestStand 2013 Program Files in the TestStand 2013 Public directory?

Scott Richardson
0 Kudos
Message 6 of 6