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Teststand memory increases at each file open/close – why?


i have the problem that the computer memory increases at each time when i simply open and close a sequence-file WITHOUT executing the file.

-> I am using TS 2019

-> The sequence file is empty

-> For 150 times open/close the memory inreases by 22MB (~150kB for each open/close)

 -> It happens direct in teststand without any UserInterface around it

-> It is reproducable on several PCs


For „normal“ sequence-files the memory increases much faster. Here i have in 8h +2GB.



What can i do to get rid of this problem?

I have a 24h running testmachine which shuts down allways because of memory is full.


It seems not to be a problem of my sequences and teststeps as it happens also with an empty (like file+new) sequence.

It also happens when the model is disabled.

The testplan gets NOT started so there are no results occuring somewhere.


Someone has any ideas?


Thanks for help

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Message 1 of 8


There were some memory leaks found and fixed in patches that were released with TS 2020. Is it possible to upgrade to TS 2020? Can you verify that you no longer see the leak with the latest TS 2020 or later?


As a workaround for TS 2019, you can try to use a Simple Operator Interface or a custom operator interface and not use the execution view control. I think that should avoid the leaks that were fixed in TS 2020. 



Anand Jain


Message 2 of 8



i see the same memory leak in TestStand 2022.
Attached the memory consumption (3.4 GB) of seqedit.exe in 100 open/close of a testplan with 42 kB.


The testplan is only opened/closed. Not started.


What can we do?


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Message 3 of 8


To make sure we are investigating the same issue, can you please post you test case?


Anand Jain


Message 4 of 8



what do you mean with test case?



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Message 5 of 8


Can you post the exact API calls or steps that you follow to open and close the sequence files?


Anand Jain


Message 6 of 8



1. doubleclick on TestStand-Icon

2. Login with administrator

3. Click in menubar on "File" [1]

4. Click on the last opened testplan in the testplan list [2] -> screenshot

5. Now a file is open

6. Press buttons CTRL+W to close the file

7. goto 3


I used "ProcessExplorer" to monitor the memory consumption

I used "PortableThonny" (Phyton) to  automate the file open/close. Script attached


If you open a normal testsequence the memory will rise very fast.

But it also happens with an empty file

The model is disabled.


I created a sreenvideo of this to make clear what happens: [10MB]


best regards

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Message 7 of 8

Hello @anand_jain,


could you reproduce the problem?


I attached here a screenvideo of 100x open and close an complete empty file.

This takes also 24MB which is 240kB memory loss for each open and close.

This happens with alle teststand versions.

Currently it is not possible to run a 24/7 testsystem with NI Teststand.

Thanks for your help


best regards



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