07-10-2009 09:00 AM
I have a vi in Teststand that reads data over a serial port. The data is binary. In that data is the UUT's Serial number. For reasons unknow I can convert the serial data to hex but NOT decimal. Rather than waste a ton of time trying to figure out why, I thought I'd just convert the sn typed in by the user in Teststand ( stored in: runstate.caller.locals.uut.serialnumber) to HEX. Then do the comparison. How?? Isn't TS serial numb a string?? When I tried val( runstate.caller.locals.uut.serialnumber) it gave me an error.
07-10-2009 11:14 AM
if you are trying to convert a hex number without the hex prefix, you can add it yourself, such as:
val("0x" + runstate.caller.locals.uut.serialnumber)
07-13-2009 05:04 AM