Hey Gops,
Unfortunately there is a not a single method you can use to directly create a container in TestStand from a LabVIEW cluster. What you will have to do is create the container and set each subproperty individually. I would recommend first making a custom data type for your cluster so you don't have to create each subproperty programmatically as well. I have attached a small example that will programmatically create a copy of Locals.Original_Cluster at Locals.NewCluster. In the example I use the Engine to create a new property object that is of the type "myCluster" (custom data type I created for the cluster). Then I set each subelement using setvalstring, setvalboolean, and setvalnumeric.
I know you had mentioned that you needed to do this programmatically, but if it is possible, it would be much easier if you were to just pass this as a parameter of your VI. This way TestStand will do everything for you. Hope this helps!
Pat P.
Software Engineer
National Instruments