08-24-2022 09:40 PM
What is the rule of thumb on when to use "Parameter" variables vs. using "File Global" variables? TestStand documentation explains to use Parameters to pass data to a called subsequence from a sequence or vice versa. However, File Globals are accessible by all sequences. It seems easier to just use a File Globals but I also see documentation that says use File Globals only when really needed. Thanks!
08-24-2022 10:11 PM
If you use FileGlobals, it limits your sub-Sequence to be closely tied to the variable names and the variables being a FileGlobal in the new sequence where you reuse it.
If you had used Parameters, the sub-sequence can take in any type of variable and not be closely coupled to any sequence file.
This is analogous to whether you use controls on the connector pane for a VI or directly use Global variables inside the VI.
08-25-2022 06:06 AM
09-02-2022 04:24 AM
It sounds like you might know the answer I seek. Which one is used to stuff the $(UUT) macro when specifying the report filename path by expression? None have worked for me. Perhaps you know what I don't.
09-02-2022 04:52 AM
I am not sure this is related to the original question, but whatever you set to the Parameters.UUT.SerialNumber variable in the PreUUT callback sequence will be used to replace the $(UUT) macro.
09-02-2022 04:56 AM
I see it as related, and I thank you for a response.
I'm trying to set it from mainsequence. I don't think it's possible. This is the sequential model by the way.
09-02-2022 05:43 AM
I am by no means profound on that topic as we do not use the NI process models but I believe that it should not be possible from the MainSequence.
When you set a breakpoint in the Model before the MainSequence is called, you will see that the report file is already created at that time (only the content will be added later). Which makes sense when thinking about On-The-Fly reporting.
So it is hard to imagine you'd be able to interfere with the file name after it is already created.
09-02-2022 07:03 AM
Hence, the serial number absolutely must be known before the start of the test of the UUT.
Thank you.
09-02-2022 07:23 AM
You can move all steps until and including the one that gets the UUTs serial number from the MainSequence callback into the PreUUT callback sequence.
Other than that, I don't think there are reasonable options.
09-02-2022 07:26 AM
Or you can obviously modify the template SequentialModel to work the way you need it to.