07-08-2015 02:29 PM
OK, so you solved my example the same way as the one above. Which I was trying to avoid. I would like to think that I could pull in any subsequence that has the intelligence to pass or fail and use it from a higher level without modifying its parameters to pass in a passfail flag that the top level can recognise. It is really sad that the fact that I am setting the subsequence to fail doesn't translate to the calling step that it has failed automatically. Which is basically what it seems you were describing in your explaination as well.
"Another property of the TS.SequenceCall container is the Status. This gets set by the engine whenever a step in the sequence fails, as long as that step has the Step Failure Causes Sequence Failure flag set. So basically after every step executes the engine looks at its status and sets that flag when it returns to the caller. Well that status gets passed up to the callers until it reaches MainSequence. Again, as long as that flag is set for all steps, including the sequence calls. When MainSequence returns to the process model then the process model has that setting in the resultlist and knows how to handle it during the report generation stage." -- Jigg
Oh, well. Pushing forward.
Thanks again for all your help.
07-08-2015 02:50 PM
That only applies if the step is a Sequence Call and not a Pass/Fail Test. I've revised the code to demonstrate this.
07-08-2015 02:51 PM
There is a huge difference between a Sequence Call step type and a Pass/Fail Test step type using the Sequence adapter.
07-08-2015 05:03 PM
All of this was super helpful to learn. But it seams it still doesn't get me past my specific scenario.
The errors I'm hitting in my real code are actually RunTime Errors. Which keeps the steps in the lower-level sequence from running Post Expression.
Back to the drawing board.
07-08-2015 05:18 PM
There is a difference between an Error and a Failure. The engine treats them differently. Start a new thread and put what error you are seeing and we'll see if we can figure it out.
07-08-2015 05:41 PM