NI TestStand

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new TestStand deployment will not run until after running version selector on new computer

I was having issues installing my Custom Sequence editor on a new computer without any NI software installed. I created a new deployment that only installs the SeqEdit.exe, the msgbox.dll and the NI dll's for the System32 directory.  The SeqEdit will not run after the Install and reboot. If I run the version selector, I can get the SeqEdit.exe to work. I am running TestStand 2010 SP1 and the TestStand Deployment Utility is from SP1.


Is there something missing in my deployment that forces the registration of the TestStand 2010 SP1 components? This originally happened on a computer that had the non-SP1 version of TestStand. If I run the installer on a computer with TestStand 2010 SP1 already installed, I do not have any issues.


In the Engine Options, I have selected the following:

(all) TestStand Components

All of the NI LabVIEW Run-time Engines.

Database and Property Loader Step Types

Code Templates

TestStand .NET Support (gray)

TestStand Sequence Editor

TestStand Sequence Analyzer


In the Drivers and Components:

LabView 2011 Run-Time Engine Non-English Support

All of the NI LabVIEW Run-TIme engines except 2009 (64-bit)

LabVIEW Run-Time Engine Web Server

LabWindows/CVI 2010 Run-Time Engine

NI LV Web Services Runtime


Custom Commands

Request Reboot After All Commands Execute is checked.


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Message 1 of 4

Take a look at this thread, you might be having the same issue.

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Message 2 of 4

This looks like a possible solution, however, there is not a TSDotNetUIControls.dll in the Bin folder for TestStand2010 SP1. The only DotNet files areTSDotNetSupport.dll and TSDotNetSupport.tlb

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Message 3 of 4

I was able to get this to run on a new machine. I had to manually copy the following files from my development PC to the Bin directory on the new computer:






I then entered the following in the cmd window


C:\Windows\Microsoft.NET\Framework\v2.0.50727\RegAsm.exe /tlb "<TestStand>\Bin\TSDotNetSupport.dll


I will add this to my post installation batch file.

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Message 4 of 4