01-20-2015 09:16 AM
It appears that write single holding register for a master is not implemented.
01-22-2015 01:30 PM
Hi rkbull,
YES, that's true. I checked in the code. I'm going to fix that and upload a new version soon. What is the matter of emergency?
01-26-2015 03:36 PM
Hi Vincent_R,
My goal is to implement a real time Modbus master through veristand (using 2014). I followed the instructions above and also received a 'get main page' error. Also, when I open the project from source, it cannot find certain libraries on my computer (see below). All veristand software is up to date. Please advise.
01-26-2015 03:49 PM
Hi Vincent,
This is the first error I see after copying the Modbus folder into the Veristand 2014 Custom Devices dir, right clicking on Custom Devices -> Modbus. I also noticed the 2014.1.0 version was taken off the site, any reason?
Thanks, Mike.
01-26-2015 03:49 PM
For a reason I ignore, I cannot upload the source and built version 2014.1.0. I opened a request to web-team.
Send me a private message with your email inside and I'll send it directly by email.
02-20-2015 03:45 PM
I am running Veristand 2014 on a PXIe-8100 and using the Modbus Custom device. It seems to be working well for me, but I do get error when shutting down and deploying. Below is a picture of what I am seeing. Any idea what could be causing these?
02-20-2015 03:48 PM
Hi Marty,
Are-you referring to -2206 error and then -307730?
02-20-2015 03:53 PM
Those two, as well as the one during deployment:
"Starting asynchronous custom device loops...
[Error: Labview: The LabVIEW Run-Time Engine cannot load the polymorphic VI. This error occurs int he stand-alone applications when the VI is polymorphis.]"
Or is this expected?
02-20-2015 06:11 PM
Hi Marty,
These are the known issues #2 and #3.
I plan to fix them in next version.
Can you, please, send me a private message which details your usage context, I'm collecting feedback?
02-23-2015 09:27 AM
Thanks, I'll check known issues first in the future. I am using TCP Modbus, but the description of known issue #2 sounds like it only applies to serial.