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VeriStand Steps for TestStand Feedback

Hi Andrew,

Thank you for making this great add-on. It helps customers in NI Japan utilizing properties they made in Veristand in TestStand. My customer found a small bug (?) in the add-on, so let me share it with you.

IN TestStand, simply place, Initialize Veristand, Run Stimulus Profile, and Stop Veristand.

While the stimulus Profile is running, click terminate. Then TestStand terminates fine, but for the next round of run (or next UUT), the Stimulus Profile itself does not run.

You can check this with simply using Stimulus Profile that takes a few sec run (or simply Wait), and for the send run after teminate you can tell that the TestStand finishes execution instantly.

If you know anyworkaround, please let me know! Probably my customer would love to hear it. If not that's fine, since he should not use terminate to start with.

Thsnk you!

Emi Nakayma


Emi Nakayama
Applications Engineer, Japan
National Instruments
0 Kudos
Message 91 of 292


    I am a bit of a new user to the Teststand Veristand add-on interface. I have noticed that for some reason, the units are not showing up on the produced test report when you are using a Veristand Limit test. I have put the units that I want to see in the units section of the Limits tab. Am I doing something wrong? Thanks...


0 Kudos
Message 92 of 292

Hey Lynn,

I'm referring to the Question from Flo on the bottom of Page 4.

My customer is using the "TS 2014 32b VS 2014" release from 2.7.2015 and still can't map a Parameter from TestStand into the RT Sequence.

You said you are working on this issue. I need to know when you will have a working release.

Kind Regards,

SG3 | Applications Engineering | National Instruments | NIG |

0 Kudos
Message 93 of 292


Which limit test are you currently using - the Channel Value Limit Test or the RT Sequence Numeric Limit Test?


National Instruments
Senior Systems Engineer
0 Kudos
Message 94 of 292

Hi Lynn,

My customer needs all of that tests but I actually tries this with the RT Sequence Pass/Fail Test.

Kind Regards,

SG3| Applications Engineering | National Instruments | NIG |

0 Kudos
Message 95 of 292


The units should work for both the Channel Value Limit Test and RT Sequence Numeric Limit Test within an HTML report.. I just verified with both.

Please let me know how you are configuring the step so that I can verify that it is correct.


National Instruments
Senior Systems Engineer
0 Kudos
Message 96 of 292

Hello SG3,

There is still a bug that exists in the RT Sequence step dialog which prevents you from passing TestStand variables as parameters. To get around this you can edit the value directly in the Properties tab under the Property Browser section. The VeriStand.ParamValuesArray should be equivalent to {Locals.MyLocal, Locals.MyLocal1} and not {"Locals.MyLocal","Locals.MyLocal1"} to ensure that the parameters are being passed correctly and not as strings.


National Instruments
Senior Systems Engineer
0 Kudos
Message 97 of 292

Hello Lynn,

    I have used a Veristand Channel Value Limit test. I have entered in the units in the Limits tab under units. It does not show up in the HTML report, or the ATML 5 report. All of the other values are where they are supposed to be. Thanks...


0 Kudos
Message 98 of 292


Hmm. I thought I had tested this yesterday but trying again this morning I see that the RT Sequence Numeric Limit Test properly reports the units but the Channel Value Limit Test does not. I will provide this feedback. As a work around you can take the following steps:

  1. Create a local variable (of string type) for your TestStance sequence to store your units value. As an example you could call it "Units".
  2. In the Properties tab of the Channel Value Limit Test, select the Expressions category. In the Pre-Expression section set your local variable to the value of the Step.Result.Units. In my example case, this would be Locals.Units = Step.Result.Units.
  3. In the Additional Results category you can add an additional result for the Units. Set the Name to "Units" and set the Value to Log to Locals.Units. This will then add the units to your log.

Best Regards,


National Instruments
Senior Systems Engineer
0 Kudos
Message 99 of 292

Hi Lynn!

I'm hoping to use these on a project with NIVS 2015. Do you have any ETA on when they will be rebuilt against the 2015 assemblies?


Stephen B
0 Kudos
Message 100 of 292