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[Group K] NIYANTRA 2013:Ask Your Mentor

This is the team-mentor interaction space for all the NIYANTRA 2013 teams belonging to Group K. If your team belongs to this group,this is the place you should be interacting with your mentors.

Make Sure You Read this Document Carefully Before Starting.

This group is being mentored by Ms Shilpa Hegde & Mr Ashish (Electrono Solutions)

Click here for the Group Allocation List

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Message 1 of 7


We are trying to develop a phone for the Blind. We need to know how can we program a ARM controller using LabVIEW.

I got some help from the support team and they have sent me a PDF file with title

"Getting Started with the NI LabVIEW™ EmbeddedModule for ARM Microcontrollers"

it says we need to use a MCB2300 Evaluation Board or LM3S8962 Evaluation Board to do it. Can i use any other Evaluation Board???

We need to interface a keypad and a sim 300 module with a Braille Display. Thats all. So we thought a PIC is enough for this work. But LabVIEW doesnot support PIC programming and so we have to move on to ARM.

We need a controller with


2.minimum of 4 I/O ports

Is there any ARM controller for our specification and low in cost??

Is there any other possiblities????

0 Kudos
Message 2 of 7

Hi Balaji,

LabVIEW no longer supports ARM boards.

They used to earlier have the LabVIEW embedded module , but they have stopped its production recently.
However, if you already have a license of LabVIEW embedded , you can find the list of supported hardware here -

Also I would like to know how you are Using LabVIEW in your project? is it only for programing controller or is there any other role of LabVIEW. If it just about programing controller then i would suggest to go for other tool like KIEL or MPLab(for PIC).

To suggest micro-controller for your application please exactly explain the operation of micro-controller and buget for the controller.


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Message 3 of 7

Thanks a lot

We are thinking of using LabVIEW only for Programming.

The main operations of the micro controller are

1.To get the data from the keypad and fecth it to the Sim 300 module.

2.Creating menu and call registers

3.To play few recorded sounds like numbers,call end tone, ring tone etc....

We thought that we would use LabVIEW to progarm so that we can participate in NIYANTRA as it is a must to use LabVIEW.

Is there any scope to use LabVIEW in any other means in this Project???

0 Kudos
Message 4 of 7

Hi Balaji,

If you want to use the hardware that is available with the National Instruments, then it can be provided to you as a loaner. Please wait for the mail that you recieve from the National Instruments asking whether you would be requiring any hardware. then go ahead and place your request. You can use the same hardware till the contest day, by the end of which you will have to return it back.

There is another way in which you can use LabVIEW in your project.

You can use the voice recognition technique for this.

For example: when the particular number is to be dialed, the blind can speak out the numbers. The speech can be converted into numbers in LabVIEW and communicated to the controller via serial port.

You can write the code for the microcontroller that you are using for the further application.

0 Kudos
Message 5 of 7

Hello sir/madam,

Our project title is 'wireless hand signal transceiver'.
Basically we are doing by help of this project to communicate the two devices by wireless and with hand motion or gestures.

Our project statues:

Now days we are doing hard work to
completing hard ware of our project.

We are doing our project on ARM 7 processor and now we’ll go for coding part of this project.

  sir/madam ,sorry for not reply our project statues before days bcz we had exam and those kind of act we could not communicate to you but it s okay now     we are doing our best in this project ..:)  and we are also reporting that what we 'll do. !!?

  Thanks & regards

Parth Panchal

0 Kudos
Message 6 of 7

hello sir/madam,

                         our project title is "Braille display using lab view"


                          our project is nearing the completion part

                          can you please help with step by step tutorials of "text to speech conversion"


                            Thanks in advance


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Message 7 of 7