NIYANTRA Discussions

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[Group O] NIYANTRA 2013:Ask Your Mentor

   we are very happy about the mentor allocation............         

     our project is on ADVANCED VOTING SYSTEM . for that we planned to extract the irsh of the human eye ball , and compare it with the pre-defined eye pattern. if the irsh of the human eye matches the pattern in the data base(pre defined image) then  the vote will be credited. other wise the message will be displayed as authority denied...

          in this project we developed a code which sense the eye pattern(irish). now we have to develope the code to extract the sensed image and comprare it with predefined eye pattern, we face lot of difficulties in this.we need your kindely help us to complete this project....

           here we attached the code that we designed..

tools used

labview 2012

vision acqusition and

vision developement module...

          waiting for your reply.....

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Message 11 of 13

Sir actually to give you prototype code we need hardware.And our project is based on FPGA which we have already Discussed in our Abstract.The chipkit you have suggested us will not be sufficient for satisfying our projects requirement.Beacause We are designing Fully Automated Neural processor based artifiial intelligent robot.For this we need NI-SbRIO 9601 FPGA Board.Because Xilinx 32 bit Micrroblaze Processor is Working as RTOS and Neural Processor which is complex Decicsion Maker on Multisensor input received from varrious sensors and they are process according to their priorty and events are scheduled and transffered to Neural Processor Using Pthread...Which is processing and executing simultanous events.

Sir very short time is left for Round 2.please provide us or tell me how can i get this.

I will be highly Obliged to you.

And please suggest me which camera i can use to detect dust particles or waste material in tiny form on the Ground Surface.This is a part of Our project.

Waiting for your early response

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Message 12 of 13

Sir My Project Idea is Life Jacket - A Comprehensive Technical Doctor! I've almost completed the prototype with some of the sensors that I mentioned in my Abstract document. But the problem is I've done everything with Open Source Hardware Electronics "Arduino". But Sensors that I used are asusual medical sensors that are used everyday. I need to know whether this contest is only for people who do with LAB VIEW or so? Kindly reply as soon as possible.


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Message 13 of 13