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Next Noclug Meeting Feb 9th 2010

The next NOCLUG meeting will be held Tuesday Feb 9th at Old Chicagos in Fort Collins (147 South College Avenue, Fort  Collins), at 6:00 PM.

Topic  is:
Practical  overview of simulation and how, when and why it should be  applied:

Simulation, in the engineering  sense, is simply a model based on a mathematical representation.  These  mathematical representations can describe the behavior of a physical system  (mechanical, electrical, hydraulic, thermal, etc) and are often based on  differential equations. A common example is the spring-mass damper often  examined in engineering physics courses but the same concept can be applied in a  wide variety of applications such as simulating the dynamics of an airplane or a  complex machine. 

Find out what NI is doing in  the field of simulation and more importantly how simulation can be used for  design and test.  Dr. Greg Morrow, NI R&D Principal Architect, and Ian  Fountain,from NI's  Dynamic Systems group will be presenting and sharing their  experiences with a wide variety of industries and applications that have  successfully used simulation.

Hope to see you there.



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