03-08-2017 01:32 PM
09-08-2017 06:25 PM
I tried to sign up via the link but received this message, can you help?
Please return to the previous page and reload the page.
If you continue to receive this error, contact the event organizer or product support with error code 20170908-16:01:29.
09-08-2017 06:47 PM
09-08-2017 07:13 PM
I've tried the link with the same problem. I also tried the one that was emailed to me with no success.
09-11-2017 09:31 AM
I apologize for the inconvenience. Our registration system was going through some technical difficulties, but it has now resumed normal operation. Please use this link to register for the event.
Should you continue to have any issues, please feel free to contact me at nayyab.ali@ni.com.
Thank you,
Nayyab Ali
Regional Marketing Coordinator
National Instruments