I am using NI-8383mc and NI-8381 to exchange data between PC and PXIe controller.
My platform is NI-8880 controller, NI-1085 24G chassis, NI-8383mc at slot 8, NI-8261 at slot 12, NI-8261 at slot 15. I use windows software raid to make 2 NI-8261 as one disk to improve the read speed.
In NI-8383mc spec, it says the top speed is 2.7GB/sec (http://sine.ni.com/nips/cds/view/p/lang/zhs/nid/213087), I can reach this speed using PXImc example.
With 2 NI-8261 raid, I can reach the read speed at 3.8 GB/sec using NI win32 file IO.(https://forums.ni.com/t5/Example-Code/NI-SCOPE-Stream-to-Disk-Using-Win32-File-IO/ta-p/3996053)
However, when I run the two examples at same time, I can't have good result. The rate drop to 1.9GB/sec for NI-mc and 1.2GB/sec for raid. I know to run two vis together may drop the speed, but it drops too much.
Could anyone know which resource block the system ? Is it the DMA controller ?
My target is to meet the speed at 2GB/sec for both 8383mc transfer and file read.