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Custom PCB connection

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Hello all,

I am using the NI PXIe 6363 card to control my measurement sequence. The only way how to get the input/output signals to the card is through the SHC68-68-EPM cable using the SCB-68A screw terminal. However, the screw terminal requires a lot of unnecessary space and wiring, which is essentially redundant in my application. The optimal way for me would be to draw a custom PCB (carrying all the relays, sensors, clamping to other peripherals, etc. ) which would be connected to the card directly via the cable. I was able to find the connector used on the original screw terminal, but I did not find any pinout describing the signals on the connector. It would be nice if NI could share such schematics so it would not be necessary to use the original terminal or if there even was some (for example Eagle) library containing such parts. Does anyone have any experience with such issue?

Thank you in advance for any feedback!


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Message 1 of 3
Accepted by topic author Buli

Dear Martin (Buli),


the pinout of the 6363 is here:

http://www.ni.com/pdf/manuals/374651c.pdf#page=23 (fig.9)

the cabling of the SHC68-68-EPM is here:



Combining those two information's you are able to design a custom PCB with the connector, as on SCB-68A. Btw the connector on SCB-68A is: PCS-E(68)MD or PCS-E(68)LMD or PCS-E(68)LMD(T) - depends on the form factor (strait, right angle, with boardlock's). Or even other "subtypes". Generally it is a .050 series connector. Just find a serious producer, and on his site you can download a model, or request it from them.


Hopefully this helps.


Jozef Lipták
Message 2 of 3

Dear Jozef,


thanks a lot for your answer. I found and bought this connector (http://uk.farnell.com/te-connectivity-amp/2-5174225-5/connector-plug-1-27mm-68way/dp/2112379#head) and it fits to the cable perfectly. I also found a model in eagle (HFR068RA, library Thomas & Betts Connectors), which seems to be matching with the drawings of the connector. The problem is that the pin numbering on this connector don't match with the pinout on the NI drawings. For this reason I had to "reverse engineer" the SCB-68A terminal so as to find which clamp goes to which pin of the connector.


I tried to google the connectors you mentioned + the eagle library but unfortunately, I wasn't able to find any (perhaps I wasn't looking hard enough :))


I will try to have the PCB manufactured with the HFR068RA - hopefully it will fit.

Anyway, thak you again for your answer. I appreciate the help.


Best regards


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Message 3 of 3