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Effect of different rows of NI SCXI 1130 on each other


I have NI SCXI-1001 Chassis with NI SCXI-1130 switching slots. What  I am going to do is: generating a signal by a RIGOL Function Generator and switch this signal to excite some piezoelectric sensors and reading the response signals by a Tektronix oscilloscope.

The problem is that when I connect both of the function generator and oscilloscope to different rows of the matrix I see the actuating signal in the response channel of oscilloscope, but when I connect one of the function generator or oscilloscope to the matrix and the other one directly to the piezoelectric there is no problem and I have the correct signal. What can be the problem?

I'll be thankful if you could help me



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Message 1 of 2

You see no problem when you hook up only the sensor and function generator because that is how it should be hooked up. One side of the matrix is for the sensor and the other is for the function generator. So really you only need a 1 by X matrix. Where X is the number of sensors you have.


Thus, what you need to do is have one multiplexer bank for the function generator and sensors and a seperate multiplexer bank for the oscilloscope and the sensors. This way you can switch between the different sensors connected to the function generator and the oscilloscope independently of each other.

Message 2 of 2