11-09-2016 12:56 PM
Hi John,
Sorry about that miscommunication, the memory I referred to was system RAM. As far as the uninstall/reinstall process, you should be able to uninstaall it using this process and download a fresh copy from here. ( the readme also includes information about NI-DMM's system requirements)
07-18-2017 01:10 PM
This did not work, same problem.
07-19-2017 09:54 AM
Hi Jordangardner58,
You should create a new forum post and reference/link this one. Posting on old threads has less visibility and thus are less likely to be answered.
When you do create the new post, be sure to explain the problem summary and include any information needed for context. The less work you make people do, the more equipped and willing they will be to help.