Hello Everyone,
Using VST 5644R.
1. Is it possible to burn the bitfile (Bitfile path, programmatically) not using open FPGA VI reference).
2. In the Open FPGA VI reference we are entering the bitfile path in the dialog box(manually), but i wanna burn the bitfile programmatically not manually.
3. I have tried the system configuration API called Update Firmware, got error
Error -2147467263 occurred at nisyscfg.lvlib:Upgrade Firmware (File).vi:4770001
Possible reason(s):
LabVIEW: (Hex 0x80004001) Not implemented.
NI System Configuration: (Hex 0x80004001) This operation is not implemented for this target or resource.
Complete call chain:
nisyscfg.lvlib:Upgrade Firmware (File).vi:4770001
RT Deploy using System Configuration API.vi
4. I have read the below doc.
But not able to resolve the issue.
Can anybody please help me regarding this issue.
Thanks in advance.