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PXI NI vs. Keysight

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Hi all, with the aim to buy a PXI system, I am comparing PXI NI vs. Keysight.  

Does anyone knows the differences? suggestions? preferences?

Prices are very different, ie Keysight looks more expensive, so I guess there will be a why.

The modular chassis USB looks interesting:


and it looks to me that NI does not have an equivalent.

I am not an expert, so any comments from you is appreciate.... Best, P.

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Message 1 of 8

@pogor wrote:

The modular chassis USB looks interesting:


That chassis is NOT PXI.  It is AXI, which from what I have found is an attempt of Keysight to replace PXI.  As far as I know, only Keysight makes AXI modules.


To be honest, I have only used NI PXI chassis and a large majority of the equipment was also NI.  They just seem to work.


Supposedly, NI PXI chassis has more bandwidth, but I have not gone to look at all the specs to compare.  I also am not sure if the Keysight PXIe have the hybrid slots (which will accept PXI and PXIe cards).


What are you trying to test?  What equipment do you need in the chassis?

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"Not that we are sufficient in ourselves to claim anything as coming from us, but our sufficiency is from God" - 2 Corinthians 3:5
Message 2 of 8



Years ago I use a Pickering PXI chassis. The choice was made because I needed a large switch matrix. At that time Pickering was ahead off NI.

I still use 2 of those chassis without any problems with Pickering and NI modules.


But I think the question of Crossrulz is more important. What are you testing ? Which equipment do you need ? Once you defined that you can look at the solution. If performance is not an issue I think the chassis choice is not that important.



Message 3 of 8

Hi Crossrulz, Hi Kees, thank you for your replies.

I need to make measurements of biosignals, acquired by devices like electrodes and/or transistors applied on the body, so working at low frequency (< 100kHz) both for acquisition and preliminary characterization (transfers, output, transconductance, frequncy etc...the general parametric testing...).

At the first, I was attracted by the USB Modular Product of the Keysight because of the low prices compared to the PXI solution: about the half.... (I didn't find an equivalent in the NI portfolio).

I understood that the main difference among USB and PXI is in the speed of transferring data to the PC, that could be not so important at low frequency regime. 

Next, I looked at the PXI Keysight solutions because I supposed to be of higher quality, being the prices much more higher, but frankly it is not obvious, NI is excellent, I don't know.  More, Keysight has its own software available. What do you think about? thanks! P. 




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Message 4 of 8

So you just need a DAQ?  How many channels?  NI has a bunch of USB DAQ modules that could do the job.

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"Not that we are sufficient in ourselves to claim anything as coming from us, but our sufficiency is from God" - 2 Corinthians 3:5
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Message 5 of 8

Yes, sure a DAQ, with al least 4 analog output...but also other modules: at least 2 SMUs (for characterization) and 1 arbitrary function generator, and maybe DMM.....

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Message 6 of 8
Accepted by topic author pogor

@pogor wrote:

Yes, sure a DAQ, with al least 4 analog output...but also other modules: at least 2 SMUs (for characterization) and 1 arbitrary function generator, and maybe DMM.....

In that case, just get the full system from NI.  It will make your life a lot easier trying to get through purchasing if single sourced.  Give your local sales rep a call and discuss your requirements.

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"Not that we are sufficient in ourselves to claim anything as coming from us, but our sufficiency is from God" - 2 Corinthians 3:5
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Message 7 of 8

Ok, thanks. P

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Message 8 of 8