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Programming / configuring PXI1033 for trigger signals between installed cards with NIDAQ

for my application, time critical analoge data aquisition needs to be initiated by a trigger pulse coming from a very accurate oscillator.
I need assistance with configuring the control software (C, with the NIDAQ drivers; not Labview) to
1) providing those repetitive trigger signals from a timing card to all other cards
2) configure the ADC cards to perform measurements every time such a trigger pulse is received.


Test equipment:
NI-PXI 1033 with the following cards:
NI-PXI 6608 (Timing Card) (slot 2)
NI-PXI 4472B (ADC input cards) (other slots)


Detailed description:
All cards are installed in the NI-PXI-1033 data aquisition rack which is connected to / controlled by a computer using C, not Labview.
1) The timing card contains an 80 MHz oscillator / internal counter of oscillator events.
This oscillator / counter shall be used for sending a trigger signal every 0.1 ms or 0.05 ms to the backplane, that is to all slots = all installed cards in the PXI-1033 data aquisition rack.

2)The PXI4472 ADC cards shall be configured for listening for that trigger signal and then perform a single measurement simultaneously on all 8 channels for an integration time of xy microseconds and then wait for the next trigger signal.


Any advice on useful C commands is appreciated, ideally a link to some similar project / code.

But even some exemplary Labview command sequence could be useful due to some similarity between function names...


Best regards,






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Please have a look at the provided DAQmx Examples for C:

Where Are NI-DAQmx Examples Installed in Windows? - National Instruments


Especially this example should be interesting with an external digital trigger:

C:\Users\Public\Documents\National Instruments\NI-DAQ\Examples\DAQmx ANSI C\Analog In\Measure Voltage\Acq-Int Clk-Dig Start Ref


You will need to configure a finite acquisition task which is retriggerable.

Check out the Retriggerable function here:

Start >> More >> Retriggerable - NI-DAQmx C Reference Help - National Instruments


Let me know if you need any more help or have any further questions.


Best regards,


Corinne Doppmann
Application Engineer
National Instruments
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I forgot to talk about the fact that you want to route the clock from one PXI card to the other.

Please have a look at the following ressources:



Synchronization Explained - National Instruments


Design Considerations for PXI Timing and Synchronizations - Discussion Forums - National Instruments


Timing and Synchronization Features of NI-DAQmx - National Instruments


Most of the tutorials are based on LabVIEW. But the principles can be transfered to C pretty easily. The functions should have similar names.

You can also have a look at the DAQmx C Reference:


Best regards,

Corinne Doppmann
Application Engineer
National Instruments
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