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Suggestion for [PC]-[PXI]-[TCP/IP Device (Maybe PLC)] communication interface


I want to exchange opinions to evaluate a possible solution for my project. 
The system consists of a PC (NI LabVIEW 2017, with a certain IP address) to
which the PXI is connected (with its own IP address). A Programmable Logic
device, perhaps an S7 PLC, will be connected to the PXI via an Ethernet port
(No acquisition module, like NI-Profibus) with which it is possible to
communicate with the TCP/IP protocol. Since the PLC is recognized as a
Network Device (and not as a Physical Device), I ask: - How can I interface Labview with the PLC if through NI MAX I can't create
Acquisition Tasks that I can import into the project? - Are there any solutions for Network Devices? - Or, can it be correct to instantiate the TCP/IP protocol from Labview, and
using the IP address and Port, try to communicate directly with the PLC (which
will still be connected to the PXI)? Thank you in advance.
Best Regards
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