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Why PCIe protocol validation is electrically not compatible in PXIe-6594?

PXIe-6594 instrument is capable to generate 170 mV pk-pk into 100 Ω using MGT TX± & receive 150 mV pk-pk to 2000 mV pk-pk using MGT RX± channels. In the below link it is mentioned as PCIe is electrically not compatible in PXIe-6594. https://knowledge.ni.com/KnowledgeArticleDetails?id=kA00Z000000kF5ISAU&l=en-IN

Earlier High speed serial instruments(PXIe-6591,PXIe-6592) have minimum capability to generate 1000 mV pk-pk so that PCIe is not electrically compatible.

Which electrical parameter is not compatible for PCIe when using PXIe-6594 instrument for PCIe protocol?

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