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trigger using 1422

Hello Experts,


I have PCI 1422 board which I am using for image acquisition, however now I also need to setup the trigger with one of the light source.


So, basically I need to know how to setup the triggering ports or how to make use of the trigger pins which are already provided in the pin layout of PCI 1422.


Help would be appreciated. 


Thanks in advance

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Hello Nitai,

Assuming that you have a camera file (.icd file) for the camera you are using, triggering a parallel digital camera using LabVIEW will be similar to triggering a camera link camera. In NI MAX, you will configure the camera and framegrabber to trigger off an external trigger (the light source in your case). The article below exaplains how to do this. 

How can I read in a trigger signal and route it directly to my Camera Link camera via the Camera Control Line (CCL)?:

As I do not know the exact type of triggering you are looking for, you may also need to use the "IMAQ Configure Trigger3" VI in your LabVIEW program to configure the trigger further.


Best Regards, 


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