08-07-2015 10:16 PM
I NI folks.
I went to this year to the NIweek. At the cafe lunch I have met some people that shares with me interest on perform music, so I think it will be nice if in some way it could be created a discussion group about assembling a choir for the next year. This is a very interesting way to stretch relations between NI folks and partners.
I am not sure if I can create a discussion group related to this matter.
Best regards.
08-10-2015 09:38 AM
Hi Jesus,
I'm going to move your question into the NIWeek Group, where other NIWeek attendees might have a better chance of seeing it and joining your discussion.
08-10-2015 09:47 AM
Ok, thanks.
Best regards.
Msc. Ing. Jesús Hidago
Phone/Teléfonos: +58.412.262.00.00 / +58.414.241.06.41
Venezuelan local hour: -4,5 UTC
2015-08-10 10:08 GMT-04:30 Matt_McLaughlin <web.community@ni.com>:
<https://decibel.ni.com/content/index.jspa> Re: An Idea for NiWeek 2016 created
by Matt_McLaughlin <https://decibel.ni.com/content/people/Matt_McLaughlin>
in Community Hub - View the full discussion