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Video: Demonstration of 100 kW, 480 VAC Grid Tied Inverter with Bi-directional Active Front End (AFE) Control

See a live demonstration of a 100 killowatt, 480 VAC, 3-phase Semikron back-to-back inverter cabinet and National Instruments General Purpose Inverter Controller (GPIC). The open source, graphically programmed control application includes bidirectional grid tied inverter AFE control with asynchronous AC induction motor variable frequency drive. The inverter cabinet, which can be ordered from Semikron, utilizes SKiiP 613 power stacks and includes voltage and current sensing, grid contactor, pre-charge circuit, LCL line reactor filter and more. The high performance LabVIEW FPGA grid tied inverter control application is a bidirectional Synchronous Reference Frame (SRF) Active Front End (AFE) with DC link voltage, D-axis and Q-axis current regulation and sine-triangle PWM running on a Xilinx Zynq 7020 FPGA Reconfigurable System on a Chip. The floating point control application controls the real and reactive power to provide a unity power factor interface with the 480 VAC, three phase grid while maintaining an 800 Volt DC link bus voltage. It includes 1547 anti-islanding protection, advanced current limiting, 50 nanosecond customizable hardware protection logic, 40 MHz pulse width modulation resolution, and other advanced features.



For more information, visit: ni.com/powerdev/


Open Source Power Electronics IP Library: decibel.ni.com/content/message/122830


Demonstration Code (beta): ftp://ftp.ni.com/evaluation/powerdev/training/SRFAFE2015.zip



Please reply to this post with any comments or questions.


Message 1 of 4

Hey BMac, is there a link to the MultiSim/Ultiboard files?



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Message 2 of 4

Hi Richard- Sorry for the delay. Things are very busy! Please see attached. Please also check out this co-simulation tutorial, which includes a thermal modeling simulation for a single phase.


Best Regards,


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Message 3 of 4

Hi Brian,

Could you upload the PDF file for the presentation. There seem to be many useful links in the PDF file. 

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Message 4 of 4