09-30-2012 09:16 PM
Hi Greetings from colombia!
Soy nuevo trabajando en multisim, estoy trabajando en la parte de corvesores de potencia (DC-DC, DC-AC, AC-AC) en esta ocasion quiero saber como puedo calcular y graficar los componentes armonicos de un inversor monofasico.
I am new to working in multisim, I'm working on the power of corvesores (DC-DC, DC-AC, AC-AC) this time I want to know how I can calculate and graph the harmonic components of a full bridge inverter.
08:39 PM
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03:17 PM
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This video shows the 3-phase power analysis example code in the Power Electronics Design Guide to analyze the harmonics components of 2-level and 3-level NPC inverter topologies. It also shows the use of a THD instrument in Multisim to do the analysis. You can download all the code and find links to the installers here.
Here is a basic THD analysis of a 3-level NPC inverter in Multisim. Note that the Design Toolbox palette is displayed in the bottom right corner and the schematic is set to the "Standalone & Physical IO" variant. This enables the PWM_NPC_3PHASE block in Multisim, which generates the PWM signals for the NPC inverter. These PWM signals are displayed on the Logic Analyzer (XLA1).
Here are the waveforms from the simulated Nuetral Point Clamp (NPC) inverter being analyzed using the LabVIEW Electrical Power Suite. This provides IEC 61000-4-7 Harmonics analysis and other IEC/UL/EN standard electrical power measurements. For analysis that is compliant with the IEC, UL, EN standards, you must use the recommended C Series I/O modules for CompactRIO and perform resampling in the FPGA as shown in the shipping examples. (In this example code, I'm not performing the resampling or using the I/O modules required for standards compliant measurements, however the analysis is the same albiet with lower accuracy.)
Here are the same results for a simulated 2-level, 3-phase (6-pack) inverter. As expected, there is more harmonic distortion:
For those that don't have Multisim installed, you can download a trial version here:
06-07-2017 07:01 AM
I like your quote. It's very usefull to the power quality analysis. If you have any further queries, Please visit <a href="http://vbengg.com/harmonic-analysis.html"> Harmonic Analysis </a>