Hello there ...
I am researching on a project which is about devices using WiFi Protocol (IEEE 802.11) standard and it is funded and supported by my university research institute. Fortunately I am able to use NI WLAN toolkit and a PXIe-5644R vector signal transceiver in order to acquire signal and analyze the standard.
In this project it is requested to fetch MAC address of devices which send / receive data on an authorized university network. So in the programming block diagram it is tried to decode WiFi signals by "niWLANA get current iteration decoded bits trace" VI and fetch the MAC address. As far as I understand regardless of PHY layer's preamble and header bits, MAC addresses of Transmitter and receiver device is inserted in packets of transmitted data by the transmitter but I could n't distinguish which parts of decoded bits are filled with MAC address.
First of all I am asking for some help to let me know the output content of the aforementioned VI, which part of the standard data packet is decoded and extracted by the VI? And then, does this VI decode entire parts of standard data packet including header, preamble and payload?
Any help is appreciated ...
Best regards.