08-08-2017 11:47 AM
I'm trying to connect Real-Time Host-Target system using:
- cDAQ 9139 RT as a real time target
- TCP 2212 touch screen as a host
I'm having a problem with deploying my main real-time VI to the target even though the deployment process finishes successfully.
I think the VI doesn't run at the cDAQ's start-up as it suppose to. I've connected a display to the cDAQ in order to see the status and I get a line indicating the start-up application is indeed my VI, but I'm not sure it means the VI is actually running - How can I be sure?
When I select the VI from the project tree and hit RUN it runs properly, and the I can use the PC as a host (not the touch scren yet) and communicate with the RT target. However when the cDAQ runs with the start up application nothing happens.
What might be the problem?
Thanks in advance,
08-09-2017 01:52 PM
Hi Boris,
You can debug your start-up executable by following the procedure below. When debugging, Highlight Execution and the rest of the LabVIEW debugging tools will be available.
* Remotely Debugging Executables in LabVIEW: http://digital.ni.com/public.nsf/allkb/8DA679805915DE40862572D5007B2F70
* Debugging a Stand-Alone Real-Time Application (Real-Time Module): http://zone.ni.com/reference/en-XX/help/370622K-01/lvrthowto/rt_debugging_startup_app/
08-27-2017 03:53 AM
thanks. but when opening a debug session with the rt application on the target i get a ""broken arrow"sign. i can not see the error. is there a way to check the error?
08-28-2017 01:00 PM
Did you click on the broken arrow? If you click on the Broken Arrow it should show what the problem is.
Did you make sure to add every dependency on the source files when building the rtexe? does the app call any dlls, libraries or files by their paths?